Tadoussac Bird Observatory aims at making its data and other information accessible at large, for all members of its organization, as well as other individuals and organisms. The objectives are to contribute to the collective development of ornithology, facilitate bird population monitoring, protect species at risk and target species, and promote scientific research.

TBO encourages all members of its organization (present or former) or other people outside the organization to publish results from findings based partly or entirely on TBO’s data in scientific periodical or other appropriate media.

User agreement

Unless otherwise indicated, data are made available to researches/authors to the extent that they commit, in good faith, to use these data exclusively for purposes included in the Data Use and Publication Agreement  (e.g. : the publication identified, a thesis, an oral presentation, poster). If the research/author wants to use the same data for other purposes than that initially specified, the must establish a new Agreement or agree on modifications of an established Agreement with TBO’s direction

TBO’s data cannot be distributed to individuals other than those specifically designated in the Agreement.

Approval process

Before the data is made available to researchers/authors or any other user, the OOT must receive a copy of the Data Access Form & Data Use and Publication Agreement containing a written proposal (1-2 pages maximum) specifying the nature and subject of the research and the type of data required. If the request is deemed acceptable, section 2 of this application, which mentions costs and conditions if applicable, will be completed and returned to the applicant for acceptance of conditions and signature. The requested data will be returned to the applicant once the signed form has been received and the invoice forwarded to the applicant, if applicable.

Data costs

TBO will charge a fee for obtaining its data, based on current rates determined by management. These rates may be lower or non-existent if the applicants are non-profit organizations or partners of the TBO. All decisions concerning the costs associated with the application will be made by management. Costs, if any, will be clearly identified in the Data Use and Publication Agreement.

Data costs and wind power projects in Quebec

Since 2008, wind farm project developers have been obliged to compare diurnal raptor inventory data collected as part of impact studies with data from existing counting stations in Quebec: the Tadoussac Bird Observatory (fall only), the Raoul-Roy lookout in Bic National Park (spring only) and the Saint-Stanislas-de-Kostka lookout in the Montreal region (spring only). All this is specified in the MRNF’s Protocole d’inventaires d’oiseaux de proie dans le cadre de projets d’implantation d’éoliennes au Québec.

In 2024, the cost of the visual raptor survey database at Tadoussac is set at $4,350 (plus taxes) for each year of monitoring.


Authors and TBO member contribution to the project

If a request for data includes a proposed research or writing project involving a significant contribution from TBO members, then details of the members’ roles must be clearly specified in the Data Use and Publication Agreement. In addition, the researchers/authors, together with the TBO management, must then clearly establish in the Data Use and Publication Agreement the list and order of authors of the production covered by the request. The purpose of this requirement is to clarify everyone’s intentions in order to avoid misunderstandings about the list and order of authors, and to comply with other Data Use and Publication Agreements in force, or any other agreement binding the TBO with one of its partners. This concern is intended to ensure that all persons involved in the proposed project and in the preparation of the manuscript are treated fairly. Researchers/authors agree to submit the list of authors of the production prior to official submission or publication for approval by the TBO management. The list and order of authors may be modified from the original agreement with the consent of both parties to take account of changes occurring during the course of the project.


In the case of internal TBO productions, researchers/authors undertake to acknowledge all OOT partners in all productions that make use, in whole or in part, of TBO data or information. The list of partners will be established according to the years associated with the data. It will be provided by TBO management and specified in the Data Use and Publication Agreement. In the case of data produced outside the TBO , researchers/authors undertake to indicate in all publications or other communications using, in whole or in part, data or information originating from the TBO , the source of such data or information by indicating the source as follows: “Tadoussac Bird Observatory (TBO ), Explos-Nature Corporation”.


Review of articles by TBO before submission to a scientific journal or publication of a report is required as a courtesy, especially when the work, policy or practices of TBO or one of its partners are the subject of discussion or conclusions. Review is required when an TBO member is a co-author of the publication. Researchers/authors must understand that publishing results related to the work of the TBO or related to the practices and policies of its partners is a sensitive subject, particularly in cases where a member of the TBO is a co-author. However, the management of the TBO and Explos-Nature Corporation disclaim all liability for any results, discussions, conclusions or recommendations that may result from the use, processing or analysis, in whole or in part, of data or information provided by the TBO to persons or organizations outside the TBO .


Publication and reprint costs

Publication and reprint costs are the responsibility of the researcher/author, unless otherwise agreed. The TBO aims to minimize and, if possible, avoid publication costs. However, the TBO recognizes that some manuscripts may be submitted to scientific journals with costs per published page. In such cases, the TBO’s contribution to publication costs will be at the discretion of the TBO Director. Costs may be paid in full by the TBO in the case of manuscripts produced largely by TBO employees or work carried out by the TBO. In such cases, authors agree to acknowledge TBO’s financial contribution in the acknowledgements. Researchers/authors agree to submit a paper or digital copy of their production for deposit in the TBO archives.

Publication by former employees

Members and former members are encouraged to publish the work they accomplished while at the TBO, but must comply, as all others, with the procedure set out above (establishment of a Data Use and Publication Agreement). The contribution of a former employee to publications resulting from his or her employment will normally be negotiated with the Director of TBO.

Conflict resolution

In the event of a conflict (e.g. regarding the list or order of authors), each of the persons involved must justify his or her opinion in writing (maximum 1-2 pages) to the TBO Director. The Director will then select two qualified, independent persons to act as arbiters. The Director assumes the role of chairing the arbitration committee. However, if the Director is involved in the dispute, he or she will be replaced by a third, authorized and independent person. In the case of the list and order of authors, the arbitration committee will base its decision on the contribution of each person, evaluated on the basis of five aspects of the research: design, development of the sampling plan, data collection, data analysis, preparation of the manuscript. The person who receives funding will not necessarily be an author, unless he or she has actively participated in the research. The chairman of the arbitration committee will act as a neutral member of the committee, but will have to make a decision if the arbitrators are not unanimous. The parties to the dispute agree that the decision of the arbitration committee shall be final.


TBO retains the copyright for all data provided to researchers/authors, unless these rights have been transferred to one of the TBO’s partners.

Revocation of privileges

Any researcher/author who fails to comply with the above policy or with the terms of the Data Use and Publication Agreement may be excluded from future use of TBO data.