Heat waves: what impact on birds?

20 June, 2024

We’ve just experienced a major heat wave, surprisingly early in the year, breaking several records in the province. This heat wave is also occurring at the height of birds’ breeding season, when many young birds are still in the nest. Should we therefore expect an increase in mortality?

Three research projects, three atmospheres!

12 June, 2024

The first week of June marked the end of spring monitoring projects at three sites: the Cap-Tourmente National Wildlife Area in Saint-Joachim, the Maison de la Mer in Les Bergeronnes, and the Dunes de Tadoussac. Here is a brief summary of these projects.

An early spring… Or not?

14 May, 2024

But what if it’s just our imagination? Or a combination of environmental factors?

Volunteer’s Week

15 April, 2024

The Tadoussac Bird Observatory could not continue all these research projects without the invaluable help of thousands of volunteers. We would like to thank them warmly for their time and all the moments spent with them.

It’s springtime, and birds are already on the move!

1 March, 2024

Ce sont des températures exceptionnellement chaudes qui nous attendent dès cette fin de semaine, et avec, les premiers migrateurs !

New website

13 February, 2024

It is with joy that we unveil the new website of the Tadoussac Bird Observatory.